Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day!!!!

 Toasted marshmallows are amazing!  We use them in s'mores, aannnndddd... Alright, that's all I can come up with, but without them, they aren't s'mores!  The perfect marshmallow is:

  • Brown and crispy on the outside
  • Semi-melted on the inside
  • Sandwiched between chocolate and graham crackers

Some fun facts about marshmallows:

  •  Marshmallows no longer contain mallow root sap, instead they contain gelatin
  • Ancient Egyptians were the first people to enjoy a sticky, gooey treat now called marshmallows

Happy Toasted Marshmallow Day and don't forget to eat toasted marshmallow!!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy National Dog Day!

This day is for all the dogs out there!!  My dog, King Leonidas (Nidas), is the best dog anyone could ask for.  He's 4 1/2 and loves to play and be petted. He loves chicken dog treats and waffles, but hates fruit.  He can crawl, sit and lay down on command, roll over, shake, high five, and if you say, "Excuse me Nidas" he will move out of your way!  He loves to be scratched under his chin, and hates water.  King Leonidas rules the neighborhood!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Happy Kiss and Make-Up Day!

Now, I don't have a whole lot of information or tips about this day, but I can tell you that all you have to do is kiss and make-up with someone.  Whether it be over something small or something big, just make-up and stop fighting.  Another possible meaning of this day could be that it's all about kissing and make-up, but it's probably the first one.  Well, whatever this day is about, either put on some make-up and kiss your pillow, or kiss and make-up with someone you were fighting with.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Happy Daughter's Day!!!

             This is my favorite day of the year.  Finally, a day for me!  Except for one problem, we don't celebrate this day, but we should!  Daughters are the best!  (No offense to sons)  Daughters are funny (most of the time) and sharp witted.  Besides the fact that we're AWESOME!!!!

I interviewed my favorite daughter, ME!!

Favorite Food: Pizza Rolls
Favorite Activities: Blowing Bubbles and sports
Favorite Song: Whistle Song
Favorite Actor: Channing Tatum
Favorite Drink: Simply Lemonade with raspberry
Favorite Show: Lying Game

Happy Daughter's Day!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Thriftshop Day!

Thrift shops are shops where you can buy deeply discounted items.  Present day, thriftshops are better known as dollar stores or discount department stores.  The items may not be high quality, but sure are well priced.  Thrift stores are a great way to find what you need at low prices.  Some of the best known thrift shops are Dollar Tree, and $0.99 Store.  If you ever need an item fast and cheap,  go to a thrift shop,  you'll probably be able to find it at a low price!!!

Happy Tell a Joke Day

Jokes are a part of life, in my opinion.  We all tell jokes, whether they be bad jokes or good, we all say them hoping someone will think it's funny.  Here is one of my favorites:

  • A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do.

    "Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?"
    The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?"
    The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch."

    A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.
    "You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats. "Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."

I myself am a blonde, I do not find this offensive because I know blondes aren't dumb.  If you take offense to this in any way, I apologize.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Relaxation Day!!!!

Today, ironically, was very busy for me.  On top of softball practice, today was the first day of school.  Talk about crazy!  Any way, here are some tips to help you relax:

  • Get a hot stone, aroma therapy massage
  • Stay away from small children  (as cute as they are, you have to admit, they are pretty stressing)
  • Do nothing
  • Nap in a hammock
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Have a picnic

Think about what makes you happy.  Now go and relax!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Happy National Creamsicle Day

This holiday is for me!  Whether you're enjoying one on a hot, sticky August day, or (like me) enjoying one on any day of the year, this wonderful icy treat is a great way to cool or calm down.

  • Fact:  Creamsicles are amazing
  • Fact:  I love them
  • False: Creamsicles taste gross
  • Fact:  I don't know anybody who doesn't like creamsicles
  • Fact:  They are AMAZING

I think we can all agree that creamsicles are very very  VERY deserving of their own holiday.
An orange creamsicle recipe will be on my blog:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Happy Left-Hander's Day

Lefties finally get a special day!  If you think about it, righties do sometimes get "special treatment",  have you ever seen a desk for left-handers, no.  Computer mice (?) are made for right-handed people.  It's just not fair.

  • Tuesday is the lucky day for lefties
  • About 10% of the human population are lefties
  • While there are many left-handed people,  very few lefties are 100% left-handed

For all those lefties out there, Happy Left-Hander's Day!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Son and Daughter Day!

Finally, the time of year when children are appreciated! :b  I always wanted to know why we celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, but not Son and Daughter's Day. Since the son and daughters in my family are funny, I will put 1 funny picture as the background and 1 in this post.

How funny is this?!!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy National S'mores Day

Making S'mores is an American tradition.  One year, on the fourth of July, I was making s'mores with my friends, and it started raining!  As a result, there was so much smoke because of our fire, our eyes were burning sooooooooo much, then we put on our swimming goggles(they saved our eyes!).  Now that is a s'mores "event" I will never forget.

  • The 1927 Girl Scout handbook is where the first recorded recipe of s'mores was printed.
  • The Hershey's company make 373 million Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bars a year, that's enough chocolate to make 746 million s'mores!!!!

All other facts all Americans know, or at least should!  Happy S'mores Day, and go make some s'mores!!!

A s'mores bar recipe will be available on my blog:

P.S.  Today is also Lazy Day, the only productive thing you may do is make s'mores! :D

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy national Sneak Some Zucchini on your Neighbor's Porch DAy

This combines two things I love, sneaking and zucchini, wait, I hate zucchini.  Here are some tips to successfully sneak some zucchini on your neighbor's porch:

  • Do it year round, not just today
  • Come from the side, if possible
  • Duck under any windows they may see you coming through
  • Go fast, and be stealth-like
  • Buy a long zucchini
  • Label it "Zucchini"

Hope you enjoy this fun activity, I know I did.  Oh, and don't forget, you don't have to do it with just zucchini, be creative.  Use oranges, apples, cucumbers, bananas, tomatoes,  anything works!  Happy Sneaking!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Wiggle Your Toes Day!!!

Today is all about wiggling your toes, in socks, shoes, or slippers.  I decided not to put pictures of toes as the background, beacause that would be weird, and kind of creepy.

  • You cannot serve in the army if any of your toes are missing
  • They can replace your fingers if needed
  • The current most amount of toes someone has is 13

Hopefully you weren't too grossed out by today's facts.  I am just going to leave it at that...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy Mustard Day!

Mustard is a loyal American condiment.  It's been there for barbecues, bashes, and birthdays.
Whether we like mustard or not, we all have to admit, it needs it's own special day!

  • The most commonly used mustard in the US is yellow (regular) mustard
  • Everywhere else in the world, yellow mustard is referred to as American mustard
  • This mild flavored mustard is bright yellow because of its containment of turmeric
  • Annually, mustard sales are about $300 million
  • French's is the top brand
  • Before it was used for culinary purposes, mustard was known for its medicinal purposes
  • Mustard paste was supposedly used by the ancient Greeks to
        •  help cure toothaches
        • stimulate appetite and digestion
        • help clear sinuses
        • increase blood circulation
    • Mustard flour was sprinkled in socks to prevent frostbite

A mustard recipe will be posted on my blog:
And Happy Mustard Day to all!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy National Watermelon Day!!!

    On National Watermelon Day, feel free to eat as much watermelon as possible (that one was for my sister, Kyleigh)!  Watermelon is a very versatile fruit, you can use it in lemonade, salads, slushies, and smoothies (Oh My).  Here are some interesting watermelon facts:

  • Watermelon is actually not a fruit at all  :o
  • Watermelon quenches inflammation which contributes to some conditions, such as asthma,diabetes, arthritis, and colon cancer
  • More than 12 hundred types of watermelon are being grown worldwide
  • Watermelon is a vegetable, related to squash and pumpkins
  • Long ago, explorers would use hollowed out watermelons as canteens.
Watermelon is a great fruit vegetable, I can't wait to make more recipes with watermelon.
A recipe with watermelon will be posted on my blog,